Racial Discrimination



Explain how your service users may be vulnerable to danger, abuse and exploitation?
• The service users at the day centre where I work are very vulnerable to abuse or exploitation due to them having a mental illness.
• They could be open to abuse or exploitation from other services users due to them also suffering a mental illness.
• Suffering from a mental illness they could potentially been seen as easy targets by outsiders and open to abuse from the public, neighbours, family or even carers.

Explain how you form a supportive relationship with your service user?
• I form supportive relationships with my service users by treating them in a dignified way, always showing them respect.
• I always offer help in any way I can to meet their needs
• I never cross boundaries with a service user.
• I treat them as individual and always help them to maintain their independence.
• I try to be there for them when they need me (with the boundaries of my professional guidelines).

Why would it be necessary to end a relationship with a service user?
• Sometimes it is necessary to end a relationship with a service user, this could be if they are becoming to attached to me in an inappropriate way.
• They service user may start to show a physical attraction to me or behave in a physical or mentally abusive way.   This could be seen as a boundary violation.

How would you do this?
• If I feel the need to end a relationship with a service user, I will first discuss the situation with my manager and ask for support.
• I would ensure that the service user had other support in place (besides me).   I would ensure all other key people are at hand to support them.
• I would ask my manager to be present while I explain to the service user the situation.   I would explain my reasons, within their ability to understand using their preferred method of communication, as to why I can no...