Pwcs 37 Understanding Health and Safety in Social Care Settings

PWCS 37: Understand Health and Safety in Social Care Settings

1 Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings.
1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in social care settings.

1.2 Explain how health and safety policies and procedures protect those in social care setting.
Health and safety policies and procedures help by making sure everyone is aware of and knows their role within the workplace. This is to make sure possible risks to residents or staff is managed correctly. To work properly within social care you must follow the policies and procedures set out by your company.
For example :- using the correct moving and handling techniques so as to not cause harm to residents or yourself.

1.3 Compare the differences in the main health and safety responsibilities of:
The social care worker  
To take reasonable care of my own health and safety.
Keep my long hair tied back.
Avoid wearing jewellery.
Avoid wearing loose clothing.
Take reasonable care not to put other people in danger.
Take part in all Health and Safety training.
To report potential risks/actual hazards to employer.
To comply with health and safety instructions and procedures.
The employer or manager  
To provide a safe place to work.
To provide first aid facilities.
To assess risks and take action to reduce them.
To provide PPE.
To provide information, instruction, training and supervisions.
To provide PPE.

Others in the social care setting.
To take reasonable care for own and others health and safety.
To comply with health and safety instructions and procedures.
Report potential risks/hazards to care staff or manager.

1.4. Identify situations in which the responsibility for health and safety lies with the individual.
Situations in which the responsibility for health and safety of an individual who requires care and support may involve the individual not taking reasonable care for their own...