Ptlls Assessment 5


5.1 & 5.2

There are many different reasons for making assessments which therefore takes many forms, but put simply it means “to measure or check” whether learning has taken place. Assessment is a key part of progress throughout life’s learning circle and happens on a daily basis it can grade or assess a person’s skill, knowledge or whether a specified task can be achieved within a certain time frame, with personal goals and achievements met.

Assessment generally falls into two types: Formative and Summative assessments.

Formative assessments are a continuous process that is used to provide feedback to the learner’s specific level, it makes the learner aware of their current achievements as well as myself being able to self assess my role as a trainee teacher as to the effectiveness of my own teaching to that particular learner which may incorporate changing my particular style.

Summative assessments are usually given at the end of the course and are given with a chance to continue on further. It references all formal objectives and overall evaluation of the ability and achievements in any learning programme and is formally recorded, however this can be done through the course or at the end of a training session.

It can however be said that initial assessments can both summative and formative if there is sufficient feedback and evaluation offered.

There are many different ways to assess the learner with varying results, examples of assessment methods used that are widely used,

Self Assessment

This improves performance in which ever area you are teaching in and is an ongoing process throughout your career, or as a learner is something you can take from your formal / ongoing education at any age through into your current workplace.


Observation is a key factor in this it is an excellent way to assess practical work or a laid down process...