Promotin Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Explain how you could promote inclusion, equality and diversity with your current/future learners. Identify other points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners.

‘Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning, appropriate to their needs and circumstances in a safe and healthy environment’. (Success for All, DES 2002)

The new Equalities Act now makes it illegal to treat people differently if they have a protected characteristic (PC) These PCs are race, disability, pregnancy and maternity, gender, gender reassignment, age, sexual orientation, religion and belief.

What we mean by equality and diversity is treating everyone equally which helps to create a fairer society and recognising differences in groups or individuals.

A tutor has the responsibility to take into account the different experiences, needs and abilities of all his students.

Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.   Diversity is something that should be encouraged and celebrated.

Inclusion is about ensuring that all students are able to participate as fully as possible in the activities of their chosen course and not excluding them, directly or indirectly, for any reason.

We can promote equality and diversity by:
    ▪ treating all staff and students fairly
    ▪ creating an inclusive culture for all staff and students
    ▪ ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable students to fully participate in the learning process
    ▪ enabling all staff and students to develop to their full potential
    ▪ equipping staff and students with the skills to challenge inequality and discrimination in their work/study environment
    ▪ making certain that any learning materials do not discriminate against any individuals or groups
    ▪ ensuring sure policies, procedures and processes don't...