1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
‘Working towards ensuring equal access to services for all carers is essential and must be an objective shared by all parts of the organisation. Such an objective must be pursued in a proactive manner. There is evidence, for example, that unless a proactive approach is taken, services are not successful in reaching Carers from racial and cultural minorities, and indeed that the services offered may not meet the needs of these communities. (Hill M. 1995)
The statement on the organisation website sums up how equality, diversity and inclusion are underpinned in our general practice. ‘We provide a range of high quality support services for carers and the people they look after, no matter what age they are or what type of illness or disability they have….’.
As the Manager it is my responsibility to ensure that all members of staff adhere to the strong ethics that the organisation holds on equality, diversity and inclusion.
Additionally in my own practice as a Manager developing and delivering training I have to ensure that the training is accessible to all members of staff and that no individual is excluded because of any difference they may have. We often think of equality relating to individuals who have a disability but on the contrary equality is about a persons ability. For example the organisation follows a training developed by the Safeguarding Partnership. The method of delivery for the Childrens Safeguarding is either a face to face classroom based session or an online interactive training course.
In an ideal world I would prefer to deliver the session in the face to face, classroom situation however we have to be realistic and due to work commitments and numbers it is not possible for everyone to be trained in this way. The only alternative is for staff to complete the online course.