Poor Laws

assignment #3: Social Work Issues and Policy Report (SWIPR). {Second part}
First: Choose a specific problem, issue, or need relevant to social work practice and the elderly. The topic should be related to a specific aging population at risk and reflects socio-economic justice issues. The topic should be three pages in length.
Second: Construct a SWIPR which will build on the first paper. Support your responses and intervention with information and data from scholarly articles or chapters.  

The social work profession encompasses a deep root in the efforts to entangle the knot of poverty in society, since the time of the Elizabethan Poor Laws, which are noted to be the preliminary attempt at the policy of poverty management, to today’s “welfare reform” issues that exists. Social work’s primary concern with poverty is linked to the professional ethical norm of justice, this includes the efforts to mitigate the impact of poverty on all people, as well as, to develop policies that prevent poverty and/or assist the poor to rise to a greater economic security. Keeping the social work’s professional ethical norm of justice in mind, the primary purpose of this essay is to construct policies that will assist in the eradication of American elders living in poverty.  
However, in order to understand the magnitude of this problem, it is vital to understand the terms poverty line, or poverty threshold.   Despite the dissimilar word usage poverty line and poverty threshold have the same definition which is the minimum level of income that is considered necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living (James M. Henslin, 2000). Although America is known for its wealth, million of seniors are still living below the poverty line. For many of these people poverty is the reward for adult lives spent continuously in the workforce or raising children and managing a family. And as a result of being in poverty, many good housing and poorer medical care are often out of reach...