Poli Sci

Hallie Zarbakhsh
Poli. Sci. 1010
April 24, 2013
Blue v. Red: Forget the Accusations and Let’s Grab a Cup of Joe
The colors of today’s American civil war are no longer blue and grey, but rather blue and red. At least, that is what some political scientists believe. It is no great secret that Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill bicker like married couples, but do the people that voted for them feel the same way about each other? Many political scientists say the nation is facing a culture war,or rift of values, but this seems a bit extreme to me. Perhaps we are not facing a full-fledged culture war, but a modern cold war between party ideologies that have been convinced the other one is out to destroy America as we know it.
But how do we know it? These United States are as malleable as gold and as multifaceted as a finely cut diamond. Over the years, our population has grown exponentially, along with the diversity within it. Since now more than only rich, white, Christian males can cast a ballot at the polls, that variety is now evident in the polls. Women are more likely to vote democratically, as are minorities including blacks and Latinos (Ginsberg, ps. 176-184). Money also plays a role in who votes how, but lack or excess of it leads to support of both parties for different reasons. Religious views, upbringing, education, and life experiences shape the political beliefs and voting practices of each person differently.  
What I am trying to say is that we are beyond the age of Federalists and anti-Federalists. The American population is composed of every kind of person and then some, creating a myriad – or rather a rainbow – of values and beliefs. Two colors, Red and Blue, are not enough to cover the vast array of far-right conservatives, Catholic prolife Democrats, marijuana supporting Libertarians, leftist moderates who sometimes lean right, poor Republicans, conservative liberals and every other mix and paradox imaginable. If America is in a...