Organizaiton Learning and Learning Organization

In this competitive knowledge based economy, gaining the latest knowledge and make some change to adapt to the environment are seen as a key to an organization’s success. In order to make a change when it needed and wanted, an organization must be able to learn. Learning is a vital part of absorbing knowledge. The denotation to the successful combined planning, development and execution of these strategies leading to value creation is organizational learning and knowledge management (Zoe, 2003). Along with this trend, an increasing number are put more focus on the organizational learning. Argyris and Schon (1978) viewed organizational learning is a learning process of observing and correcting the error. It is a process for decision making to react to the changes in the external environment of the organization. It is a process that learning collectively, it is different from individual learning. In recent year, it has been apply in the human resource development field for improving a firm’s competitiveness. Beyond the individuals’ learning processes, the collaborative learning process among the group members will cause more productive knowledge creation (Nonaka &Takeuchi, 1995;). Dynamic organizational learning processes could be promoted when they are aligned with HRM and HRD practices (Cummings & Worley, 2009). In the meanwhile, building learning organization attract directors concern since it is good for an organization’s performance.

However, some authors presented: an organization that learns does not mean it is a learning organization. According to the literature review and the case studies, this essay will illustrate the differences and the relationship between this organizational learning and learning organization. Furthermore, it will give some accommodation about how an organization to do in the future.

Literature review
Literature review of organizational learning
In present years, organizational learning has become a popular...