Online Banking

► Online Banking 0

► Customer Survey

► Questionnaire

► Sample Survey

Online Banking Questionnaire


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An online banking questionnaire is designed to understand the response of the bank customers towards the online banking facility. This 0 also facilitates the banking authority to understand how much percentage of customers is using the online banking. This is used by all bank Share authorities today. Through this tool, they can understand what modifications are needed in their online services to satisfy the need of their customers. 0
Tw eet Online Banking Questionnaire Sample

1. Since how long are you using the online banking system provided by our bank? 1. Below 1 month 2. 1 – 6 months 3. 6 months – 1 year 4. Above 1 year 1. What is the major purpose for which you use the online banking? 1. Online Ticket Booking 2. Online Bill Payments 3. Balance Check 4. Request for a cheque book 5. Others. Please specify ___________________________ 1. Have you ever used the third party transfer of the online banking? 1. Yes 2. No If Yes, for how many times during the last 1 year?

1. 2. 3. 4.

Only once 1 – 3 times 3 – 5 times More than 5 times

1. Do you think that the third party transfer system in particular and the entire online banking web site provides you enough security? 1. Yes 2. No If No, please provide your inputs how can the same be bettered.

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DevArt by Google IT Management Consulting
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Have you ever visited your bank branch since the time you started using online banking? 1. Yes 2. No If yes, please mention the specific reasons for which...