
Augustus Caesar
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Augustus Caesar, the Rome's first true Emperor was the historical
figure who had the greatest impact upon the western world between the
dawn of civilization and the end of the middle ages. Augustus Caesar
(31B.C. - 14 A.D.) was originally named Gaius Octivian, the name
Augustus was granted by the Roman Senate, which means magnificent. The
success of Augustus was he developed an honest government, and during
his reign, he rebuilt many structures to improve the Roman Empire,
which included temples and roads with classical style. He created an
efficient postal service that encouraged free trade among the region.
The soul power of Augustus had established him to distribute the long
standing of Rome.

Augustus Caesar did not gain his position easily. He was the adopted
heir of Julius Caesar, and he attained his position and held it
without meeting with the same fate as his Uncle Julius Caesar.
Augustus had to bring the people to his side and win the support of
the military in order to gain his trust from the senate. He had
raised his own military. Meanwhile, many of the senate was against
Mark Antony, who was the right hand man of Julius Caesar and also
wanted to become the heir. The leader of the senate, Cicero, realized
Augustus was a useful alley, ordered Angustus to make war on Antony
and forced him to retreated to Gaul, but Cicero failed to do so
(Scarre, 17). Because during 43B.C. "Augustus marched on Rome with ...