New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Nicole Richie has definitely come along from where she originally started. She has done a complete 180! We cant forgot her past struggles with depression even as she moves forward. We saw some of the key symptoms of depression such as malnourishment, substance abuse and difficulty concentrating through Nicole. The specific type of therapy used for Ms. Richie, would definitely have to the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. By looking deeper into the source of the problem and discovering her mindset, we work her through treatment.

Nicole Camille Escovedo was born on September 21, 1981. At the age of three she began to live with Lionel Richie because her birth parents couldn’t rightfully provide for her. In Kindergarten, she attended The Buckley School in Oaks Sherman where she met her them best friend Paris Hilton. She was official adopted by the Richies at the age of nine. Although this might have seemed like a dream come true, for Nicole, this not the case. Lionel and Brenda were constantly on the rode leaving Nicole to basically raise herself. Also during this time, talks of Lionel’s affair was beginning to surface. This divorce was so highly publicized that Lionel felt the need to indulge Nicole’s every whim “Their way of making me happy was to say yes to everything I wanted, but I don't think a little girl should have that much freedom,” said Nicole in a Vanity Fair interview ("Biography," 2006). They felt that the only way to make her happy was to say yes to every want and need.

Nicole was never truly ale to express herself to she began to conceal her problems through the usage of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. She was caught driving on a revoked license and possession on heroin. After this, she went to rehab and sobered up. During this time, she was finally able to talk to her parents about her drug addiction problems, and what she was going through emotionally ("Richie reveals childhood," 2004). The true root of the issue had been dug...