My Point of View

My Point of View

Kristen Roberge

Hum 115

October 26, 2015
Barbara Wilt

      The U.S. Healthcare System
No long ago I was chatting with a Canadian friend of mine about the differences in the health care system between the U.S and Canada and could not believe the things she was telling me. I never thought about the fact that not all countries ran their healthcare systems the same way that the US does. The health care system here in the US does not measure up when compared to other countries.
      My opinion
      The United States needs a new health care system that would be more cost efficient and provide citizens with “universal access” to heath care. I did not know until talking to my friend that other countries like Canada provide healthcare services such as preventive care or rehabilitation, and the citizens do not have to worry what the cost of that care could do to their finances. If we could only do that here in the United States instead of things like ObamaCare. I know that ObamaCare was supposed to improve the cost of medical care by forcing families to have medical insurance or face paying a fine, but I cannot see how lower income families can afford to pay for medical coverage while they struggle to pay for everyday expenses without the burden of insurance.
      Research.   The first Article that I read was not reliable. It was full of statistics and references to studies but lacked the details on where the statistics originated or the qualifications of the researcher conducting the studies. The article was biased and opinionated. A good example of this is when Wendell Potter wrote.“To understand how foolish we are let’s consider the war of words that recently erupted between health insurers and drug companies.”( 2015, para. 4).   The author had a work history in the insurance industry, but that was the limit of his qualification in the field there for I did not find him credible. I came to my conclusion using Clues for...