Muscle Works

Structure and Function of the
Musculoskeletal System

Emma Bush (RGN)
October 2015

The freedom of movement


Components of Musculoskeletal System
• The musculoskeletal
system is made up
of 2 different
• It consists of the
muscles, tendons,
ligaments, bones
and cartilage
together with the


Components of Musculoskeletal System

Skeleton - the bony framework

Connective tissues which link
the components:

Articulations (joints) where
movement occurs

Muscles which create movement

Functions of the skeletal system

Provides a supporting framework

Used for the storage of minerals in the bones – necessary for
vital body functions

Storage of lipids in the yellow marrow – these can turn into red
marrow in cases of severe RBC depletion

Blood cell production – Approx 2.6 million RBC’s produced by
the red marrow every second

Protection of soft tissues – protects vital organs from damage
encasing them within hard bone. E.g. the skull and chest cavity

Provides an anchor for skeletal muscles – tendons attach
muscles to the bones and allow movement. Skeletal bones are
held together by ligaments

Functions of the muscular system

Allows movement – Muscles pull on tendons which
in turn, pull on bone

Posture and body position maintained by constant
muscle adjustments

Support and protection of soft tissues and organs
e.g. abdominal wall

Guarding of entrances and exits

Maintenance of body temperature

The skeleton
Axial skeleton

The axial skeleton is formed by the
vertebral column, the rib cage and the skull

The upright posture of humans is maintained
by the axial skeleton, which transmits the
weight from the head, the trunk, and the
upper extremities down to the lower
extremities at the hip joints.

Appendicular skeleton

The appendicular...