
Methicillin Resistant Staph Infection
There are many ethical issues today that face the health industry. To name a few   popular ones are abortion, physician-assisted suicide and stem cell research. Many people have strong opinions about these issues that support one side or the other. However, there is one issue that may not be so widely spread. How about issues that arise within health care workers that   have come in contact with viruses and diseases on the job? To narrow down the scope, how about when nurses test positive for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?   Should nurses that test positive for MRSA and have active respiratory infections or open wounds be allowed to work with patients?   Or should they be required to take a medical sick leave until their symptoms subside?
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection, also known as MRSA, is a drug resistant staph infection that usually begins as a pimple or boil on the skin and that can also spread to other parts of the body, including the lunges and bones causing pneumonia. This infection occurred mostly in hospitals and nursing homes.   Doctors   are now using two antibiotics, one called clindamycin that can be given as a pill are liquid, and another antibiotic called vancomyclin that is only available intravenously. The uses of the two antibiotics have decreased over the years simple because MRSA is becoming resistant to both drugs. That leaves researcher fighting to find a drug to work against the infection to help save lives of kids and adults.
Nurses contract MRSA typically through physical contact. Nurses hands may become contaminated by contact with patients, or surfaces in the workplace, and medical devices that are   contaminated with body fluids containing MRSA.   Researchers reviewed information from 169 studies in 37 countries, surrounding more than 33,300 individuals, to reach their conclusions. "Poor infection control practices were implicated in both acquisition and...