Modern American Identifications

Modern America Identifications

Vietnamization: President Nixon’s announced policy, called to withdraw the 54,000 US troops in South Vietnam over an extended period. The South Vietnamese—with American money, weapons, training, and advice—could then gradually take over the burden of fighting their own war.
Nixon Doctrine: Proclaimed that the US would honor its existing defense commitments in South Vietnam but that in the future, Asians and others would have to fight their own wards without the support of large bodies of American ground troops.
“Silent Majority”: People who presumably supported the war. Nixon delivered a televised appeal to them on November 3, 1969.
Spiro Agnew: Nixon’s vice president
My Lai: Vietnamese village where in 1968 American troops massacred women and children.
Kent State and Jackson State: Kentà National Guard fired into a crowd, killing four and wounding many more. Jacksonà Mississippi; highway patrol discharged volleys at a student dormitory, killing two blacks.
26th Amendment: 1971, lowered voting age 18
Pentagon Papers: New York Times published a top-secret Pentagon study of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. It leaked to the Times by former Pentagon official Daniel Ellsberg and deceptions of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.
Henry Kissinger: Nixon’s national security advisor. In 1969, the former Harvard professor began meeting secretly on Nixon’s behalf with North Vietnamese officials in Paris to negotiate an end to the war in Vietnam.
“China Card”: When Nixon traveled to Moscow in May, 1972 to play this card game in a high-stakes diplomacy in the Kremlin. It dealt with the Soviets.
Détente: It means relaxed tensions. Ushered in with China and USSR by Nixon’s visits. It resulted in several significant agreements. And example is a three-year agreement by which the food-rich United State agreed to sell the Soviets at least $750 million worth of wheat, corn, and other cereals.
ABM and SALT treaties: ABM=...