Mechanical Engineer

Format of Recommendation Letter

[pic]Name of the person
Name of the Institution,
Tel: 91-22- (O) (O-Office) Fax: 91-22- (O)
Tel: 91-22- (H) (H-Home)


To Whomsoever Concerned


Sign off
Name of the referee
Designation of the person
Name of the institution

Letter of Recommendation

[pic][pic]An application speaks to the admission committee on your behalf. While your grades/scores are supposed to represent your intellectual capabilities and your SOP allows you the opportunity of presenting your point of view, recommendations by those who know you give the university an independent assessment of your skills and qualities.

We strongly recommend that students should not write their own recommendation letters. In case your recommender is not comfortable drafting the reccos, you can give him your resume and points you would want him to include. Get a rough draft made from him, it can be polished later.

Every school requires a set of 2-3 reco letters. Normally the schools have a reco format (grading sheet) in their application form, which needs standardised information like rank in class, analytical skills, attendance etc. One can additionally attach a letter (covering other aspects) to the grading sheet.

Choosing the right people:
    • You need to make sure that the people who give you the recommendations have known you for a sufficiently long time and on a professional basis.
    • Fresh graduates would need recommendation letters from the faculty at undergraduate and/or graduate level. The faculty would be in a position to evaluate the student if they have taught them at least two courses. It would be helpful if the courses were relevant to the study program applied to.
    • At work the reporting head interacts with us on a day-to-day basis and...