Marbury vs Madison

The case of Marbury v. Madison has been refered to as “epochal” by the text’s authors for good reason. The case of Marbury v. Madison established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review. Judicial review is the power of federal courts to void acts of Congress in conflict with the constitution. This case directly shaped the future of the American public by making decisions that are lawfully correct and in the best interest of the public. This had some short-term and long-term ramifications as well, including the decision that declared the legality of the Louisiana Purchase. It was the single act that doubled the size of the United States and laid a foundation for the future.
The most significant short-term effect of the decision made in Marbury v. Madison was that it enhanced the court’s authority. Judicial review greatly increased the authority of the court. Another short-term effect is that the decision was a major disadvantage at the Jeffersonians, who were thirsty to prevent such a thing. They wanted to remove any traces of a Federalist influence in court. As a result, the Jeffersonians attempted to impeach Samuel Chase, a Federalist judge serving on the Supreme Court, because he spoke out against the Republicans. He was found not guilty of the charges brought against him, but he became unpopular and the public scorned him.
The long-term effects of the decision affirmed the doctrine of judicial review and helped establish the Judicial branch as co-equal to the Legislative and Executive branches of the government. It was the case that confirmed that the federal courts have the authority to declare laws unconstitutional. It did not necessarily create or establish the power as much as it confirmed that it is inherent in the power of the Judicial branch even though it is not specifically stated in the Constitution. Another long-term effect was that the Federalists won, and the Supreme Court had could review Congress.