Marbury vs Madison

Marbury Vs. Madison

        Every new government has at least one case that will determine if it is strong enough to rule correctly. An example of this was the United States Supreme Court in 1803 with the Marbury Vs Madison case. This was the first time that a federal court had been so bold.
        Before President Adams left office, he quickly filled the new judicial posts. These judges became known as the Midnight Judges. What President Adams did angered the new president, Thomas Jefferson. One of the judges appointed by President Adams was a man named John Marshall. He was sworn in as Chief Justice. The Marbury Vs Madison case happened when the new president, Thomas Jefferson, tried to deny the appointments of the judges placed by President Adams. One of the judges that President Adams chose was named William Marbury. The problem with that was that the secretary of state, John Adams, never delivered the official papers giving William Marbury the authority to do his job. William Marbury sued James Madison. He demanded that the Supreme Court order Madison to let him take office. This caused a tremendous uproar. The Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against William Marbury because it was against the constitution for the Supreme Court to give that specific order to the executive branch of government. Chief Justice John Marshall’s decision was a bold one. This case had a great outcome because it was a victory for the Jefferson administration. It was a great outcome because this case helped establish the Judicial Review.
        This case became a landmark case in the United States because it empowered the Court to
review acts of the Legislative and, Executive, branches to evaluate whether legislation was
Constitutional. If it was found unconstitutional, the court could overrule the law.
        Marbury vs. Madison was the door way for the Supreme Court to rule with the power it has
to make decisions today.