Lower Carbon, Greener Future

Name: Eva Kam   Class: 6U   No: 14 25th January, 2011

Lower Carbon, Greener Future

Did you realize our earth has been constantly being badly treated and recently begging for humans’ help? It is obvious. It’s our fault! Despite the fact that global warming worsens our living conditions, it is actually essential for human beings’ habitat as we are warm-blooded animals. Greenhouse effects should have a positive effect on us if we protect our planet properly. Due to many human activities such as over-use of motor vehicles which emit greenhouse gases, smoke and smog produced from factories, etc, we have put on too much burden on our earth! Thus, global warming is now a hot issue for everyone of us to concern about.

Recently, the Hong Kong Government has promoted different schemes to lead us to a low carbon living and greener future. For instance, the Government has introduced a “2+3” programme which encouraged the public to intake fruits and vegetables in a proportion of 2 : 3 everyday. Under this scheme, as we eat less meat, we are attaining a lower carbon living. You may wonder why eating meat would do harm the earth. The truth is that animals like cows would produce greenhouse gases (i.e. methane gas) through farting. If we reduce the intake of meat, this would in turn reduce the growth rate of meat products, thus make our planet greener.
Moreover, the Government has been promoting three different colours of recycling bins to raise the awareness of the public on the importance of recycling stuff in the past ten years. This is an effective way of living greener as we dump less stuff as rubbish which could in turn save our living environment and make it a better place for all humans.

I once came into my mind an important attitude towards low carbon living and building a greener future, only one word – SAVE. “All men are selfish.” That’s what I’ve learnt from Economics. Human always maximize their wants and at the same time, they have to forgo...