Liberal Feminism

The Oxford dictionary defines feminism as “the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” Feminist theories try to examine women’s social roles and life experiences, also providing a critique for social relationships, along with analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of women’s rights, interest and issues. This paper will be looking at the theory of liberal feminism, challenging its achievements and rate of change in the home, workplace, and politics.
The liberal feminist tradition like other theories of feminism has always asserted the value of women as a human being equal to a man’s value. This theory demand’s various forms of public and private recognition including respect for women’s freedoms and more recently demanded an end to de facto discrimination on the basis of sex. Liberal feminism is characterized by an individualistic emphasis on equality. According to this philosophy, society itself does not need a major overhaul, but rather laws need to be changed and opportunities have to be opened up to allow women to become equals in society. They aim for gradual change in political, economic and social realms. Liberal feminisms main goal is the creation of equal opportunities mainly in the area of work and education. It has contributed to considerable social change, in relation to employment opportunities and social policy. Furthermore the theory states that Inequality stems from unequal participation in spheres outside of the family, primarily education and paid labor force, however this participation is increasing.
Women have always been involved in the public labor force in Canada. Dating back to when people did not work to earn wages but to sustain their own and their family’s existence. They hunted, collected and grew products. Women also helped with trapping animals for fur and meat, they prepared the meat and helped prepare the fur for trade. All individuals in the family also helped with agriculture. In addition...