Level 5 Leadership Unit 5 - Work in Partnership

Unit 5 – Work in Partnership in Health and social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings

Learning outcome 1
“A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them.”
Dr. R. M. Belbin.

The partnerships we have in nursery include the team of staff, with parents and with outside agencies such as children’s centres. Partnership working means different people can share their expertise and knowledge to the advantage of the care of the children. ‘Belbin Team Roles’ are used to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses in a workplace, which can then be used to develop high-performing teams and build a mutual trust and understanding. This means that a person can use their strengths as an advantage and any weaknesses can be managed. Working as part of a team promotes communication and clear objectives and should therefore mean the setting runs smoothly. Draper and Duffy (2006) suggest that successful partnerships need to be based on sharing information, sharing decision making, responsibility and accountability.
‘Groupthink’ (Janis, 1960) occurs within a group of people working towards the same outcome. A decision is made without much critical evaluation to avoid conflict, and is sometimes made as the ‘easy option’ which everyone appears to agree to even when they don’t. This needs to be avoided in a setting and is again where clear communication is needed and where everyone’s opinion needs to be heard and accounted. Social loafing also needs to be avoided, which is when some members of a team put in less effort than they might have done working alone. It means people do not put their fair share of work in and expect others to pick up their shortfall, which can then lead to the other members of staff lowering their efforts to meet the attitude of...