Jim and His Father

1. Describe Jim’s self-concept.
  Self- Concept is the idea that you have about the kind of person you are. Jim’s self- concept about his self is that he’s an average student he’s usually makes C’s a few B’s and occasional a D in his courses. His parents are judging him it seems like because their angry Jim’s grades aren’t better. They expect him to get all A’s I think their expectations are too high. His parents are judging him it seems like because there angry his grades aren’t better. Jim is a typical young gentleman who will hang with his friends and still make sure his grades are up to par. Seems to me some of his classes are way harder than others.

  2. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how Jim’s self-concept impacted his interaction with his father. Was it positive or negative?

Jim self- concept impacted his interaction with his father in a positive way. Jim looks highly on his father that he asked one of his friends for advice. Scripts is a guide to action, scripts consist of sequences of activities that are expected of us. (Wood, J., 2012) I choose this because Jim holds a conversation with his father and one of his friends. I also chose self-serving bias which is towards ourselves and our interest. Jim is interested in school in his courses but some of the courses he’s failing in if he has a tutor I think he may show more interest and get a better grade in that class.

  3. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how the father’s self-concept impacted his interaction with Jim. Was it positive or negative?

Jim’s father self- concept impacted Jim was very negative start off by saying he was being stereotyped. According to the text stereotype is a predictive generalization which is applied to a person or situation.(Wood, J., 2012) Jim’s father is being stereotyped about his grades he mentions in the video, that he paid his own way and still made Phi Beta Kappa and that Jim has a free ride and he’s...