Introduction of a Project Report

The Introduction section of project report.

Most products being advertised are paired with positive images or things that we already feel positively about. It seems that when we have good feelings about something and we have to make a choice about something, then we are more likely to go with the something that feels good.

For example if a washing powder or a fabric conditioner is advertised on the television or in a magazine, pictures or film of a sunny day, fresh flowers, freshly cut grass etc. could be used in the advertising. And the chances are that these images probably make us feel good before even thinking about the product.   So by repeatedly pairing those positive images together could make us feel good about the product and usually happens without people even realising.
In the past sporting events have endorsed their products with celebrities and you often see them on the television commercials.   Associative learning suggests that endorsers are more effective when there is congruence between the endorser and the endorsed product (kamins, 1990. Lynch& Schuler, 1994, Till Busler, 200).
Both of the above examples are of Evaluative Conditioning and can determine if someone likes or dislikes something because it has been associated with something positive or negative.
Previous research by Chen et al. (2012) has looked at evaluative conditioning and attitudes; it has investigated whether participants who saw a picture of a sport event paired with a celebrity made people feel more positive about the event. It was apparent that only when a celebrity was highly involved with the event that a more favourable attitude emerged. So, the researchers’ descriptive statistics indicated a higher score in the condition where the celebrity was paired with the event. (Bruce.N 2014)
The   study which myself and colleagues conducted was based on the above research. The rationale behind the study was to see whether evaluative conditioning could make a logo for a...