Into Thin Air and H.M.S. Titanic

From the story, “Into Thin Air” and “R.M.S. Titanic” had had a very terrible tragedy ending. Both of these stories were non-fiction and have happened a long time ago, “Into Thin Air” happened in 1996 and “R.M.S. Titanic” happened in 1912. Jon Krakauer took a group of unexperienced people with him to the mountains and they did not notice that the sky had begun to fill with clouds. While he found shelter his other group members did not make it back to their camp. The captain knew that he and his crew had to look out for an iceberg but he ordered more speed. One of the first lifeboats to leave the titanic carried only 28 people; it could have held 64 people.
One of the problems from “Into Thin Air” is that they did not take precautions. When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996, he had not slept in fifty-seven hours and was reeling from the brain-altering effects of oxygen depletion. As he turned to begin his long, dangerous descent from 29,028 feet, twenty other climbers were still pushing doggedly toward the top. No one had noticed that the sky had begun to fill with clouds. Six hours later and 3,000 feet lower, in 70-knot winds and blinding snow, Krakauer collapsed in his tent, freezing, hallucinating from exhaustion and hypoxia, but safe. The following morning, he learned that six of his fellow climbers had not made it back to their camp and were desperately struggling for their lives. When the storm finally passed, five of them would be dead, and the sixth so horribly frostbitten that his right hand would have to be amputated.
Well the solution for this problem would be that they should have been more cautious of what they were doing and looking out that the things that are surrounding them. Clearly, the climbers were not looking at the sky while climbing; probably if they have notice, they would have stop and rest. After the storm was over or what the climate was, they could have gone out of the tent or the...