
Good evening.

Here are my suggestions:

"According to English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, "Fear of things invisible is the natural seed of that which everyone in himself calleth religion." Citation? This socio-cultural phenomenon is humanity's buffer against fear of the unknown. In the absence of religion, human beings are merely animals with a more magnified sense of emotion. This is what separates us from every other species on earth, because religion is human nature. Religion, or at the very least a belief in an afterlife or greater power, is also key to living life with a purpose. It is also key for human mental and spiritual growth, because it teaches one morals and builds character. I believe that religion as a whole is a human assistant in coping with the idea death, as well as dealing with and giving purpose to life.

To begin with, religion is a anthropogenic tool for death. In the aspect of science, one is certain of the humdrum biodegradation of the body back into the earth. Having a belief in a religion and afterlife galvanizes the imagination concerning the possibility of existing through the day that they die, and having that existence in a more suitable plane of fantasy, or even the opportunity to achieve a ressurection into a more superior life. The monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Remove comma) like to call this eternal haven of immaculate bliss and pleasure as heaven. But admittance is only given to those who live a full life according to the religion's dogmas. It is an incredibly electrifying enigma to try and comprehend the way it must be to live forever in happiness, an extraordinary feat which is unmistakably impossible to achieve, even through 70-80 years of life.
Religions like the Native American, Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist religions hold a belief in reincarnation. According to Robert Todd Carroll, "Reincarnation is the belief that when one dies, one's body decomposes, but something of oneself is...