Inner Journey

“Inner journeys are both challenging and rewarding”
Do you agree? Discuss.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, Lao- Tzu. An inner journey is one of spiritual, mental or emotional transition that people undergo throughout their lives. Inner journeys are both challenging and rewarding that can lead to a sense of enlightenment, self- discovery and to a greater understanding of not only one’s self but also of the world. Journeys, inevitably, do not lie at the destination but rather are experienced during the triumph over milestones. The journey leads the traveller to be “blessed and altered”. Such powerful journeys include those in Sally Morgan’s autobiography My Place (1987) and the feature article “Cat Stevens: Two Lives” by William Langley (Australian Women’s Weekly, May 2002). These two texts convey the unique concept of the inner journey and the inevitability that they are everlasting, infinite and they both challenge and reward the protagonist as well as responders. Journeys are diverse; however, obtain a commonality for revealing meaning. An inner journey has no end, but rather an opening of new doors to opportunities evident through the greatest journey of all; life.

The first text My Place is a post- colonial text chronicling the life of Sally Morgan, an Aborigine and her “tentative search for knowledge”. Throughout the voyage Sally learns of her cultural heritage and identity as an Aborigine. “You’re Indian darling, tell them you’re Indian”. The quotation is an obvious catalyst indirectly used by Gladys to answer Sally’s persistent questioning of their cultural heritage. The embarrassment of being Aboriginal is too difficult to bear, “God of all things, we’re Aboriginal,” “it’s a terrible thing to be Aboriginal”, and thus leading to the deprivation of Sally’s self- understanding. This acts as a catalyst to further her search for self identity, through maturation and self awareness. “We had an Aboriginal consciousness now and we...