Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis


Technology is considered to be the mountain to climb up and attain the desired degree of development of society. Man has been trying to facilitate his life through inventions and innovations. Telecommunication means, when computerized, played a very important role in spreading data which enabled scientists utilize the outcome of other scientists ‘researches and that lead to more and more advancement in various fields of science and thus more technical devices. These devices didn't have the present shape. A lot of effort was exerted in the process of betterment with regard to performance, size and ease of use. This trial is to have a clear idea of how Bluetooth technology is affecting the society and our lives.
OwnPhones is the name of a new technology that is now emerging. It promises to change significantly the way we use Bluetooth technology. They are the world’s first wireless, 3D printed earbuds custom made to match your personality. Instead of using cables to transmit data between components a small and cheap radio chip to be plugged into these components will do the job. In short it is a Cable-replacement technology. They are designed to fit perfectly because your OwnPhones will be built exclusively for your ears and represent a combination of the very latest in 3D printing, Bluetooth technology (Schubert and Donoso, 2014).
This device uses a short-range of transceivers that are inexpensive and tiny, which is innovative. Moreover, OwnPhones units might be either externally adapted or built into electronics devices like personal computers and USB ports. One unique feature is that it connects not only point to point, but they can also be multipoint connections. Most Bluetooth devices only have a maximum range of connection up to 10 meters. However, by increasing the power, the range of connection might be extended to 100 meters. Bluetooth devices have a technique called frequency...