Identifying Components of Health Communication
HCA/230 Week 1 Checkpoint Appendix B
Health communication is important to ease anxiety of the patient, eliminate unnecessary mistakes, and to let everyone to know what is expected of them. Some of the major components of health communication are process, personal goals, interdependence, sensitivity, and shared memory.
When communication is defined as a process, it simply means that people are contributing to a constant effort to understand each other and the world around them. Clients address health encounters with their own goals and expectations. The primary goal of a caregiver is to care for or to improve a person’s health. Some of these goals are to preserve time and avoiding frustration. Patients may have several goals including the need to express emotions, to be encouraged, to be forgiven, or even simply being recovered.
How well participants feel their goals have been met is one measure of effective communication. Even though personal goals are important, the way others work together to attain their goals and creating understandings is also important. By communicating in a friendly way, patients are more likely to reveal scary or embarrassing worries. This can also lead others in a friendly direction. Office workers, family and patients influence health communications equally as doctors.
Good communicators have the value of sensitivity. When being sensitive to others feelings and expectations, health communication is expanded. Sharing the same meaning also contributes to successful communication.
Doctors are not mind readers, so if there is something not agreed upon, patients need to speak up. With shared meaning, everyone will be on the same page. Without these components, time could be wasted, trust may not be established, and health care organizations cannot improve new ideas.