Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
People often celebrate the mirth and ebullience of youth; however, the dilemmas of youth best frame the struggles of morality. Morals are what someone falls back on when faced with a problem or a difficult decision. Some think morals come from childhood while others feel they are similar to natural instincts. Most often accepted is the theory that morals are developed through real life situations. The innocence and untainted nature of a child is the only valid source of honest morals. In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we are introduced to Huck as a distressed, racist boy living a life with little meaning. Despite Huck’s initial racist nature, we first witness Huck’s moral development through his interactions with other characters.
Due to Huck’s young, innocent character, he is forced to mature throughout his dangerous journey. Huck’s first major wakeup call is when Pap unexpectedly returns. Huck knows his father has come around just to claim his wealth. Pap, an abusive alcoholic, goes on many drunken sprees, and eventually kidnaps Huck and takes him to the forest. There he is locked up in Pap’s cabin. Huck quickly realizes he is not safe when “Pap chased me round and round the place with a clap-knife” (29).   Afterwards Huck states that he must “Rid himself of such an evil presence.”(31) At this point in the novel, Huck truly understands his father is not a qualified guardian and he must escape in order to protect his own life. By Huck deciding it would be best for Pap’s influence not to be present, he is taking the first big step in his moral development. This is an important moment for Huck because he learns through his own experience what is right and wrong. He also realizes that Pap is not the father figure he needs as a young adult. Huck, laying his fear aside, manages to find a saw and cut a hole in the cabin. This scene in the novel further supports Huck’s maturity and self sufficiency as he takes matters...