How to Get Into College, Writing the Best Essay

Many college essay prompts requires that the student delve into the deepest depths of their mind to find an experience that can reveal all, an enlightened moment. My experience starts in the summer before middle school, this is when I was tested and accepted into the gifted class of my soon to be middle school. To me this was a terrible occurrence, I would now be know as a geek, I would have to leave my friends and essentially be in a class with people I have never meet before. For an eleven year old all these possibilities can be a person’s nightmare. My gifted teacher’s name was Mr. Fish and I believed that this was proof that I did not belong in this class, but I am happy I remained in the class. Because when I really think about his class, the experience it provided me changed my life.
Mr. Fish challenged me to think outside the box, which is where the “Vires” is reflected. Through his class I learned how to be intellectually strong; I questioned things I never dreamed I would even understand. “Mores” is reflected in how I became self motivated because instead of being forced to do my homework I actually set enough time aside where I could enjoy homework, take pleasure in what I was doing. It also increased my self esteem and will power; I became more confident with the fact that I knew things. I was no longer afraid of being called a geek because I knew the answers to a question, in fact I took pride that I could answer a question right or that I received A’s on my test. Sure there were some down sides to the class, I struggled at first, had more homework then before and lost touch with some friends. But the positive things outweighed the negative. I got past the struggle, I achieved more then I realized was possible, I was proud of my good grades, but most importantly the experience awaked my ambition as a student and as a person. Becoming more confident with myself encouraged me to try and succeed further. I have thrived in band for seven years playing...