How to Behave and Communicate Appropriately for a Child or Young Person's Stage of Development

Unit 203 – Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults.

Know how to interact with and respond to children and young people.

Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person's stage of development.

Keystage 1 Years 1 – 2

close supervision of certain tasks e.g. checking that they know how to carry a pair of scissors
high staff to pupil ratios e.g. by risk assessments for school trips
getting down to their level e.g. crouch down when helping or demonstrating skills for an activity at the table
consistently maintaining eye contact e.g. when you are clarifying instructions, eye contact helps you to tell whether a child is listening
setting clear boundaries and rules for children to follow e.g. “kind words, kind feet and kind hands”
promoting independence by giving daily responsibilities e.g. assigning children each week to be door, fruit or milk monitors
being aware that children of this age tire quickly and are unable to concentrate for long periods e.g. a phonics session would be broken down into twenty minutes using white boards, then twenty minutes doing phonics based activities followed by playtime and then a further twenty minutes where groups swap activities
carefully managing times of change or excitement as younger children are less prepared to handle changes from the normal school day e.g. a visit from Father Christmas

Describe with examples how to communicate appropriately for a child or young person's stage of development.

Keystage 1 Years 1 – 2

using appropriate vocabulary e.g. do not use slang, you need to model appropriate vocabulary
giving simple short instructions e.g. “line up at the door”
providing lots of clarifications e.g. “do you understand the meaning of the word 'sly'?” when using reciprocal reading methods
being aware of younger children's developing language skills as they may take literal meanings of instructions and comments e.g. “be as...