Homo Neledi

Remains of an ancient species named the Homo Neledi was recently discovered inside the Rising Star Cave in remote South Africa, providing a great deal of insight into the burial practices that the Homo Neledi may have participated in. Behavioural patterns studied in animals show that they have an instinctive behaviour towards the treatment of their dead, making it a high possibility that the Homo Neledi treated their dead in a ritualised way. Source A shows evidence that the Homo Neledi placed the bodies deliberately into the cave over a number of years. Source B is a diagram of the Rising Star Cave that gives us a look into how difficult it would have been for any species to place their dead inside. The sources provided show evidence that the Homo Neledi may have been practicing burial rituals of some form for their dead.
Source A is a photograph that shows the remains of fifteen Homo Neledi that was found inside the Rising Star Cave. The remains were both of both genders and ranged from many different ages, as well as the time of death. The bones were found in a natural position that they had during life and there was no sign of tooth marks that would suggest that a predator brought the remains into the cave. The evidence shows that the bodies were most likely carried into the cave and placed there deliberately over a number of years by the Homo Neledi, revealing that the Homo Neledi may have been partaking in a burial ritual.
The remains were found in the Dinaledi Chamber located in the back of the Rising Star Cave, in order to reach this chamber, you must pass two excruciating tight passages, the Superman’s Crawl which is less than ten inches high as shown on the diagram in source B and then a 40-foot vertical drop passage that is only eight inches wide in certain places. This evidence shows that in order to place bodies in the chamber, it would have required a large amount of effort which would have been unnecessary if the Homo Neledi were only looking for...