His 204 - Week 5 Assignment - Women and Their Rights

Women and Their Rights
HIS 204: American History 1865-Present: End of Isolation
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Women and Their Rights
Often times, in life women of our nation’s history, have struggled while trying to become individuals within the American society.   It is those unavoidable struggles that have called for drastic changes within the American women throughout the decades of time.   Earlier history proves just how society felt about the equality of women.   This troublesome time of isolation for women has led to times of sorrow, struggles, joy, and happiness of American women of those eras.   While women once had few options in life beyond that of isolation and inequality, many historical events and developments presented new opportunities within the society of American women, which have brought about many changes in the lives of these women as they fought courageously for equality in America.  
The events of women and their struggles to have equality are used as significant information in demonstrating the American roles that women took from 1865-present time. In 1865 America was a broken nation with the Civil War behind it and the period of reconstruction ahead.   Women had to fight even harder for social equality and equal pay.
For centuries women did not have much of a choice other than to be content with their place in society, which revolved around taking care of their children and husbands, cooking, cleaning, gardening, with not much outside of that until they decided to take a stand for a change. The most significant development that our history provides us with in the struggles that American women faced with equality is the women’s rights movement commenced in 1848.   During the Suffrage years of 1865-1876 Elizabeth Cady Stanton was known as one of the leading advocates of women’s rights.   She created a document that was modeled after the Declaration of Independence, 1776.   This document was known as the “Womanisfesto.”   In the creation of...