Health Studies

This report attempts to explain how behaviour impacts health with examples references and information obtained during the duration of the course. Health-related behavior is one of the most significant factorss in people's health and well-being. Its signifigance has grown just as medicine has advanced. Diseases which once were fatal or incurable can now be treated or prevented. health-related behavior has become an important attribute of public health. Therefore the improvements within health-related behaviors are central to public health activities. health related behaviour according to Kasl & Cobb (1966) healthy behaviour is an activity to prevent disease or detect it at an asymptomatic stage, illness behaviour is an activity undertaken by a person who feels ill and stick-role behaviour is an activity undertaken for the purpose of getting well.
Health is the overall state of a person in all potentiality. It may be looked upon as a physical issue or as a continuum health can also be a level of functional and metabolic efficiency of an organism. In 1948 health was defined as a complete positive state of physical, mental and social well-being that varies overtime and merely not due to the absence of disease or infirmity. Health studies is a vital part of research and correlates with understanding many aspects of ones behaviour. the aims of health studies are to evaluate the function of behaviour, prognosticate unhealthy behaviours, encourage healthy behaviour and preclude illness.
The Lalonde report produced in Canada by Minister of national Health and Welfare Marc Lalonde in 1974, suggests there are four crucial subdivisions of health including human biology, environment, lifestyle, and healthcare services therefore health is maintained and improved not only through the furtherance and postulation of health science but also through the attempts and intelligent lifestyle choices in which an individual chooses to make.

Behaviourism is a theory which proposes that...