Groundhug Day

Once again, for a few years in a row, TV weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is send in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to cover the Groundhog Day ceremonies, an assignment he truly hates. In general, he seems arrogant and self-centered, disrespecting those who he works with, as well as his viewers, which he makes no effort to hide. But this year something truly bizarre happens after he finishes the report: When he wakes up the next morning, ready to leave, he discovers it's February 2 all over again… and again, and again.
It seems that he was trapped in this day for a long time because of how he was able to learn some of the thinks he learns and go through. Being trapped for so long it affected his connection to the people around him. He was stuck within a social group that he couldn’t change. Every day he faces the same routine.   First he uses this to his advantage and he starts to exhibit deviant behavior. The past does not matter to him, for yesterday was like today, and as far as he knows, tomorrow will be the same. It is only toward the end of the movie that he starts to exhibit some behavior from what we will consider being mature emotional person.
It seems that the whole movie is trying to answer to the question “ What would you do, (Phil asks) if you were stuck in one place, and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did matter?” This question sets the stage for what follows in the film as Phil discovers over and over that nothing he did yesterday matters; nothing carries over. He tries to tell his producer, Rita what's happening, but neither she nor anyone else understands; only he remembers that they've already lived through Groundhog Day. It’s interesting to see that both, the medical doctors and the psychologist labeled him as deviant.  
When we start to look to things from a sociological perspective, we start to understand how little the free will determines some of the choices we make. We think that we are individuals; we think that...