Ground Rules

Explain the ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others
All learners need rules and boundaries to establish appropriate behaviour and to underpin respect for the diversity of the learners. Ground rules should be established before any teaching commences. The established rules will apply to both tutor and learners
I would explain the need for ground rules, stating that there may be disruptions without them, as in the situation where a mobile phone rings. I would explain that rules need to take into account the diversity of all the learners. I may suggest that the learners I have had previously prepared a list of rules should the group wish to look at them or use them, also there may be suggestions from myself should the less obvious ground rules not be mentioned. As each rule is mentioned I would write it on a board.
Generating a List of Ground Rules.
The best way to create ground rules, if you have the time, is to allow the participants to generate the entire list. Ask them to think about what they, as individuals, need to ensure a safe environment to discuss difficult and controversial issues. If the participants are having difficulty coming up with ground rules, or if they do not come up with a particular ground rule you feel is important to the success of your facilitation, try to prompt them toward it. If they still do not mention it, you can add it to the list.
A second way to create ground rules is to list those rules you commonly use, and then ask for additional ground rules from the participants. When somebody proposes a ground rule, ask the other participants if they agree to it. If most do, add it to the list.
If time is an issue, as it tends to be in short workshops, it may be necessary for you simply to list the ground rules for the group. Be sure to inquire whether the ground rules are agreeable and mention that if you had more time together, you would have...