
Has Globalization been a Positive or Negative Force?
There has always been debate on whether “Globalization” is positive, negative for the economies of the world.   Two articles put both of these ideas in perspective for me.   The first article was found on respected internet research site, written in 2008 by esteemed author, Prabhakar Pilai entitled: “The negative effects of Globalization”. posted an article entitled:   “Globalization: Positive or Negative which discussed the positive aspects of Globalization and its relationship to the world economy.   Pilai presented the negative side of the fight listing many highly emotional (pathos) arguments such as the exploitation of labor, citing low wages and relaxed safety standards as problems and pollution caused by countries that have lax pollution regulation standards. took the positive side of the fight using ethos, citing its positive aspects of such as new job and industry creation in developing countries.   Obviously these are emotionally charged issues…on both sides of the argument.   Even with all of the persuasive negative aspects cited by Pilai,   Education.coms’ view by using convincing logos -- is that globalism, if given a chance, will eventually prove to be beneficial carrying many from a life to poverty to prosperity.
Pilai begins by listing many the many negative aspects of globalism using both pathos and ethos such as:   1- Developing nations have outsourced manufacturing and white collar jobs.   This means less jobs for their people 2- Globalization has led to the exploitation of labor….Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions.   Safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods 3- Deadly diseases are spread by travelers to the remotest corners of the globe.
Education .com begins in much the same way as Pilai by listing the many beneficial aspects of globalism, trying to appeal to both to the pathos and ethos of the audience...