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Different Management Styles Between Genders |
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  I. Introduction
In the past centuries, the equal rights of being educated and acquiring knowledge have stimulated females to break the traditional stereotype of weak, fragile and indecisive images. Nowadays, many high-level positions are represented by women in different industries. However, females have not jumped out from the stereotype thoroughly, most of important jobs are mainly occupied by males. This situation may caused by the different nurturance ways of family or parents according to genders, and construct gender-personality by interacting with peers, also develop specific gender characteristic by Media and social expectation. The project aim is to research and deliberate how men and women thinking, acting and talking in different ways, then try to illustrate and compare the gender-traits applying to work, especially the different management styles between females and males.

  II. Body
*Specific nurturance way from family and the influences
Although here is an increasing acceptance of equality between men and women, they are still totally different in many ways (Connell, 2005). Basically, men are more powerful, stronger, taller and their speed of action is faster than women, however, women’s life expectation is longer than men (Miranda, 2011). There are not just physiological differences between genders, their psychological characteristics, talking, acting and thinking ways are also different. Generally speaking, women are more careful than usually careless men, men are aggressive while women are smooth, men are rational while women have stronger intuition. Furthermore, men have stronger aspirations for work, earning money and obtaining higher social status, while women are more focused on connecting relationships and paying more attention to family (Diamond M., 1993). How the...