Gen 200 Professional Knowledge and Abilities Paper

An organization of interest is the American Business Woman's Association (ABWA).   The ABWA's Mission "To bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership; education, networking support and national recognition" (ABWA).
The ABWA, founded on September 22, 1949 by a Kansas City, Mo., businessperson named Hilary A. Bufton Jr., Bufton thought that women had worked hard for a place in the working society and deserved their rightful place and equal business opportunities.   Women had such a positive impact during the WWII era that Bufton thought that he could do well by developing this organization for women.   ABWA is more than 60 years old with over 545,000 members (ABWA).
This organization can contribute to the professional knowledge and abilities by taking advantage of the various networks within the organization, such as WIN (Womans Instructional Network).   By becoming a member, the individual has access to resources and tools as well as a specialized networking tool to keep the members up-to-date on the news of the association.   Members have 24/7 access to the exclusives of the network and gives connects them to various market relevant professional development opportunities, local leagues, and the national association (ABWA).   Networking with other individuals like yourself gives you the opportunities to build relationships with other professionals and gain career leads.   WIN also have courses including Managing Team Performance, Communications Skills, Resolving Conflicts, and others.   Members can learn with tools from Fortune 200 companies and even have a mentor to help guide it's members.   Another subscription is the Company Connection with opportunities for business owners as well as entrepreneurs where they can promote their businesses in the Company Connections Online Business Directory.   This is helpful when starting out and needing...