Evaluate a Range of Ways to Embed Elements of Functional Skills in Your Specialist Area.

First we should define what the Functional Skills are.
The functional skills are essential skills in Language, Mathematics and ICT that enable us to deal with life’s everyday challenges. We tend to be faced with practical issues at work, home, leisure, education shopping… For example, they help us:
• recognize value for money in all aspects of life
• filling in a   job application by hand or online
• using a bank ATM

It is about using Language, Mathematics and ICT to be a productive member of society.

Functional skills are key to being successful. As one improves their functional skills, they will find more doors open in education life and work. In the employment sector, these skills will be valued and used by employers as a platform to build on. This is also true if the learner is continuing in Education.

Learners that have developed their “functional skills” are better able to apply their knowledge of Language, Mathematics and ICT in tackling the day-to-day problems that arise.

As per Geoff Petty (2009:471) the following steps should be taken to incorporate functional skills into teaching:
• Assessment requirements for the skills to be embedded should be conducted as per set standards of the examining body
• Skills to be embedded should be identified in alignment to the nature of the subject taught
• The amount of practice required for each skill should be decided roughly to ensure practical implementation
• Opportunities within the content should be utilized to ensure the students learn both the subject and the skills.

A key characteristic in appreciating IT based classes is having sound problem solving skills that are built on sound functional skills. Language, Mathematics and ICT are the building blocks of the very powerful tool; Problem-Solving.

In the words of Ken Watanabe (2009), “Problem-solving kids (people) don’t just reach their goals faster; they evolve faster, too. They check out the impact of their actions and try to learn...