
Euphemisms in Cross-Cultural Communication
作者: 作者单位: 刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 被引用次数: 孙萌珏 义乌工商职业技术学院外语系,浙江,义乌,322000 北京电力高等专科学校学报 BEIJING DIANLI GAODENG ZHUANKE XUEXIAO XUEBAO 2009,""(1) 0次

参考文献(9条) 1.AlLan,K.K.Burridge Euphemisms 1991 2.Hornby,A.S Concise Oxford Dictionary 1982 3.Collins Collins Cobuild Essential English Dictionary 1989 4.Enright,D.J Fair of Speech.the Uses of Euphemism 1985 5.Hugh Rawson A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk 1981 6.Leech,G Principles of Pragmatics 1983 7.Neaman,J.S.Carole G.Sliver Kind Words:A Thesaurus of Euphemisms 1983 8.Webster Webster's Third New International Dictionary 1961 9.陈原 社会语言学 1983

相似文献(10条) 1.期刊论文 李坤 On the Translatability of Euphemism -读与写(教育教学刊)2010,07(4)
Euphemism is a common language phenomenon in cultures around the world. Through illustrating the relationship of language, culture and translation, this article points out one language can be precisely translated into another. Consequently, the translatability of euphemism, it discusses, can be realized.

2.期刊论文 肖乐 英汉委婉语的文化对比 -邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)2004,3(3)

3.期刊论文 杨华.王志永 汉英委婉语跨文化比较研究--以"死亡"为例 -商丘师范学院学报2004,20(6)
委婉语是世界各民族语言的一种普遍现象.无论在中国还是在西方,委婉语都始于避讳、禁忌.汉英两种语言在表现形式、文化内涵方面既有相同之处 ,又有差异,有必要从跨文化角度作一对比分析.

4.期刊论文 郭花 The Cultural Characteristics of Euphemisms -读与写(教育教学刊)2010,07(4)
Euphemism is a universal way of expression in language usage. People with different social status in different language groups use different ways to express euphemlsm.The paper briefly discusses about euphemisms devices of psychological background in which euphemisms are used, the cultural characteristics of euphemisms.

5.期刊论文 章琦.李婷 Euphemism:Development and its Social Value in Intercultural Communication -读与 写(教育教学刊)2010,7(2)
Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon,which is closely related to culture backgrounds,religious thoughts,life styles,etc.A short introduction to euphemism in English and...