Essential Actions of a Chief Executive
Essential actions of a chief executive
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Four activities that must be done by the chief executive of an organisation.
by georgelevvy — last modified Aug 02, 2010 02:54 PM
Delegation is a vital skill for the chief executive – as for any leader or manager – but even that has its limits. Some things can only be done by the chief executive if the organisation is to succeed. My list would be:
  * trustee relations
  * other stakeholder relations and ambassadorial tasks
  * making decisions
  * leading the organisation.
Trustee relations
The relationship between the board and the staff of any organisation is a critical element in the way the organisation operates. This can be a complicated area, especially in smaller organisations where board members often have several roles in addition to being a trustee. However, if the charity has reached the point of appointing paid employees, it is important to clarify roles and to manage the relationship between trustees and staff. 

The chief executive, as the point of contact, must make it a part of their job to foster a productive relationship. The chair also has a key part to play, but this is one task the chief executive cannot delegate; no one else on the staff can do it.
Relationship with trustees - further information
Stakeholder relations and ambassadorial tasks
Every charity has a wide range of stakeholder groups with whom they have to maintain relationships. It is not the job of the chief executive to look after all of these groups directly or to be the only person acting as an ambassador. 

There will be some, however, that are so crucial to the organisation that the chief executive will want to oversee the management of those relationships. There will be some groups – for example, staff – and some issues for which the only valid spokesperson...