Essay on Communicative Teaching

3. Technology in the classroom

The integration of technology into the classroom has been accepted widely around the world. However, there is the need on investigating on the necessary conditions for having success in such integration. In order to get that success on the move, researchers have discovered that the first thing to do is to understand the complex interactions between teachers, students and technology.

Now, the other thing to look at is the institution hierarchical organization that is related to its concepts of education and knowledge itself.

Means and Olson, on the one hand state that there is a strong association between the new practices technology involve and the mandatory changes in its curriculum and pedagogical criteria, (Means and Olson, 1997)

In some countries, for example, technology is part of a project based constructive approach in which teachers are involved to teaching their students taking into account the improvement of reform. In other words, the students in these environments are engaged in solving problems that have to do with the disciplinary boundaries. These teachers engaged in this project assign activities that bring along the right resources and the organizational structure and support so that students can have success. Learning becomes, therefore, a learning creation.

Plomp, Brummelhuis, and Rapmund (1996) define learning as a process in which four components interact. These have to do with the teacher, the student, the curriculum content and goals, and the instructional materials and infrastructure – to be exact- the role of multimedia and information and communications technology (ICT).
A fact that is really an undeniable is that this new approach in itself establishes some different roles both to teachers and students in their correspondent activities.
Let us take, for example, the most common role which is the self-learner role. At this stage the students can choose their multimedia projects in the real...