

There are many different types of seizures depends on what part of the brain and how much of the brain is affected by the electrical disturbance that produces seizures. Which include generalized seizures (absence, atonic, tonic-clonic, myoclonic), partial (simple and complex) seizures, gelastic seizures, dacrystic seizures, non-epileptic seizures and status epilepticus. The symptoms of an abnormal brain function are not usually identifiable. When the seizure starts the doctors will try to identify a cause. This is because some specific diagnosis as to why seizures are happen depends on finding the cause, right therapy prognosis depends on finding the right   cause so it can be treated. If there is no cause that can be found, then the epilepsy will be identifiable disease or brain abnormalities. Cryptogenic seizures are diagnosed when no cause can be found. Idiopathic or Primary is when a genetic cause for the seizures is suspected. Sometimes epilepsy are divided into acute or remote cause depending on whether there is acute brain disease or abnormally due to injury, acute brain disease would be classified as acute cause. Abnormality due to injury would be classified as remote cause. Potential cause of epilepsy in newborns are; brain malformation, lack of oxygen during ,before or at birth, low levels of blood sugar, blood magnesium, blood calcium, chemical disorder, bleeding in the brain, or maternal drug use. Infection ( meningitis)   infants and children   fever( febrile seizures), brain tumor ( rarely) children and adults, congenital conditions, genetic factors, progressive brain disease ( rare) , head trauma, Elderly, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, head trauma also. In rare cases a seizure can last for hours a tonic-clonie seizure typically last for 1 to 7 minutes, Absence seizures may only last a few seconds, while a complex partial seizures range from 30 seconds to 2 to 3 minutes.   Status Epileptics refer to as prolonged seizures can last for many...