Embedding Numeracy

My impression of this module is how constructive it has been to meet other professionals, from different learning organisations and all operating in the field of education. The opportunity to share experience, discuss and debate theories of teaching and learning amongst individuals from diverse backgrounds was enlightening.
This also introduced elements of reflecting and evaluating on personal and practical teaching experiences in a supportive environment.
Mitchell & Weber (1999) discuss the benefits of teachers studying their own practice and is seen by them as an undoubted catalyst for professional growth.

Indeed I have come to appreciate how beneficial the teaching observations have been for my professional development. "It can be wonderfully motivating in its ability to bring home a painful or beautiful truth, and help us appreciate and even bring about our most meaningful moments as teachers. Studying ourselves does not always involve major change; sometimes it is just about revaluing what was already there and using it in new ways that are informed by both the personal and the social." (Mitchell & Weber 1999, p232).
Through seeking to enhance my teaching practice I became aware of a process I needed to develop to enable me to critically analysis my own practice.

Burns & Bulman (2000) discuss the notion that critically analysing can be a practical and positive act, a way to establish strengths and weaknesses.
A weakness I have identified was using reflection yet not in an analytical manner.   As part of this process, I have developed my skills as a reflective teacher.   I had previously used reflection as a tool to examine my personal and professional life, I now realize I can move onto a more powerful and productive stage of becoming a critical reflector.

Schon (1987) describes the process of in and on action.   The need to think both in, and on action allowing reflection and changing outcomes.
I have tended to dwell on the reflection stage,...