E100 Tma 4

Ethical Statement

During my study of the E100 I will adhere to ethical guidance in line with the BERA 2011guidelines and any research or observations I use within my work will not contain any use of adults/children’s names or my place of work.
I will protect confidentiality at all times whatever the situation.
I will seek any consent needed for my research

12th April 2016

Part 1
For the first part of TMA 04 I will be looking at the DVD sequence Hospital play (DVD 2 Block 5) and the learning opportunities the children are given throughout the clip. I am going to show this by responding under each of the curriculum headings, I will pin point time frames in the sequence for each area to discuss.
Communication and language (and literacy)
At 2:42 the TA comes into the sequences a child askes her twice “open please” the TA replies “open you, what are you going to do with it?”(Appendix 1) The little girls shows her self confidence in asking the adult for help and her use of sentences as set out in the EYFS(DfE 2014), I feel the TA at this point has missed an opportunity to use one of Marian Whiteheads simple rules “ensuring that any language spoken is appropriate for its purpose and situation(chapter 14 p148) The little girls shows a good understanding with her question and the TA could of modelled her language to reply “Yes I can open that for you” and then continued to ask what she was doing.
5:47 The TA joins a child’s play and starts by asking him an open question about what tests he is going to do and who’s blood is it she encourages him to write the baby’s name on the blood. The boy then clearly writes “A,S,l” the baby’s name is Lisa. The boy is showing his understand of how his letters carry a meaning of a name and his forming of letters as stated in study topic 14 (p53). The TA continues to ask the child questions about the blood and what he is going to look for, this enables the child to really think and bring the role play to life. He replies...