Dr Seuss's Cat in the Hat

Id, superego and ego in Dr. Seuss's “The Cat in the Hat”

Id, superego and ego in Dr. Seuss's “The Cat in the Hat”
The Cat In The Hat is a children’s book written by Theodor Geisel under pseudonym of Dr. Seuss. The author pays a great respect to the Dr. Sigmund Freud and the plot is bookbinding with work of world-known Austrian neurologist.   The book is about The Cat who shows up at the house of two boys and starting entertainment them, while their mother is out shopping. Standing between two choices: either to join the fun or to obey the rules not to fool around, children decide to play with The Cat, even despite objection from their pet fish.
Although the book is simple and clear, the story contains a lot of things, that children can not understand. First of all The Cat acts as a Freud’s Id. Here we can see first reference to the Psychoanalytic Critisism.   It is said that The Cat is trying to help two young children to understand their own confused sexuality. The Cat, or Id, is like a devil that sits on your shoulder. He doesn’t do anything he just tells you, shows you what to do. So does The Cat show his “tricks” wants children to liberate their sexual energy. The Id is insatiable and selfish. Even though his games irritate everybody around him, he goes on “like[s] to be here [at their house]” and believes that “[his] tricks are not bad” (Seuss 12, 27). At very appearance of The Cat, the author introduces us with fish. It is no mere chance that author select this symbol. The fish is the ancient sign of Christianity. Fish is obvious represents the Superego – as opposed to Id. Superego is the integral component of our personality that represents our conscience and morality, it could be described as an angel siting on your shoulder teaching ego how to behave properly. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. The fish is trying to warn children not to yield to temptation with the reference to warn all humanity...