Differences Between Hinduism and Buddhism

Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism on the self
The difference between Hinduism and Buddhism on the topic about the self is that while Hinduism believes in a self, Buddhist doesn’t believe in a self. Hinduism philosophy revolves around the concept of the self where in Buddhism it thrives over the theory of no self and the acceptance of suffering. Hinduism believes that the only way to reach liberation is to become one with the self. In order to reach the self they believe that they must use meditation by yoga, go through samsara, and overcome obsessive attachment. Where in Buddhism, the Buddhist believe in no self and that one must accept suffering by going through the Eightfold Path to Nirvana, stop one’s own suffering, and live life in the middle path. These two philosophies indeed have very different perspectives when it comes to the topic of the self.
The concept meditation is use multiple times in Hinduism philosophy to emphasize on the topic of the self. It is said in this philosophy that meditation is used to find self-realization. The form of meditation that is used by Hinduism is called yoga. As it is said in the Bhagavad Gita
Thus constantly devoting his self to meditation a devotee freed from sin, easily obtains that supreme happiness contact with the Brahman. He who has devoted his self to meditation by devoting, looking alike on everything sees the self-abiding in all beings in the self. (Cronk, De Marco, Dlugos, Eckstein, 2004, p.191).

What is being stated here is that in order to reach one’s true self a person must undergo rigures amounts of meditation. The different types of meditations that a person has to do are, known as karma yoga, raja yoga, and bhakti yoga. Each type of these yoga’s falls under a category that brings a person closer to the self and liberation. Karma yoga is the path to right action. This type of yoga teaches a person to overcome obsessive attachment and helps the process of redefying the self or thinking of...