Diabetes Level 3

DATE 03-07-2016
UNIT- DIABETES - 4222-679

1.5.   Service users will be assessed by the community diabetes multi       disciplinary team which includes: Diabetes Nurse Specialist, Diabetes Staff Nurse, Diabetes Dieticians and, 2 Diabetes Podiatrists.
A care plan will be agreed with the Patient and goals set.
All patient information and interventions will be documented in team case notes and agreed individual goals set with a patient centred approach i.e.: one to one Clinical/Education or group education. Once the appropriate form of intervention has been agreed and implemented, patients can be followed up: in their own home, at a clinic near their home or at a venue for group education close to where they live.
The service users diabetes care will be transferred back to the GP practice. Once goals have been mutually agreed with the team, or previous goals set have been achieved. Notification to residential home, hospital and family must be informed where appropriate.

2.1.   The main features of type 1 diabetes are:
- feeling very thirsty
- urinating more frequently than usual, particularly at night
- feeling very tired
- weight loss and loss of muscle bulk
- itchiness around the genital area, or regular bouts of thrush (a yeast infection)
- blurred vision caused by the lens of your eye changing shape
- slow healing of cuts and grazes
        Vomiting or heavy breathing can also happen at a later stage. This         is a dangerous sign and requires immediate admission to hospital for treatment.

2.2.     The main symptoms, which are common to both and type 2 diabetes, are:
• urinating more often than usual, particularly at night
• feeling very thirsty
• feeling very tired
• unexplained weight loss
• itching around the penis or vagina, or frequent episodes of thrush
• cuts or wounds that heal slowly
• blurred vision (caused by the lens of the...