Describe and Evaluate Psychological Research in to Obedience on Stanley Milgram?

Stanley Milgram   advertised in a local paper for participants , paid them about $10 for their time. the study took part at Yale university this helped establish the idea that ppts were inferior to the hugely intellectual experimenters.
ppts were placed in a room with "stooges" who appeared to be more ppts but were actually working for milgram. Milgram's helpers pretended that ppts were randomly assigned to be "teachers" or "learners" but in fact, all the stooges were learners.
1 learner and 1 teacher were used in each test. they were in separate rooms. the "learners" had to learn word pairs, teachers said "cat" and learners had to learn that the correct response was "dog". after the initial learning phase, the testing phase began, and when learners got a question wrong (deliberately, as instructed by Milgram), they were given a shock by the teacher. teachers were given shock machines with a scale of 1-14 , with guides by the voltages, "mild shock" to "fatal" . if teachers expressed concern to milgram (who was present in their room, wearing a white coat), he issued set phrases such as "the study requires that you continue". he never forced them to continue, but they deferred to his position of authority and continued, to the extent that learners stopped responding to their word pair questions. when asked, Milgram told them that no response meant an incorrect answer. , loads of ppts expressed extreme concern about the learners' welfare, but milgram told them that the responsibility for the other ppts welfare was on his shoulders, so people continued. 
After the experiment, ppts were reunited with their learners, and debriefed. they were offered counselling,
this study was totally unethical (no informed consent, trauma incurred. coercion to continue), but milgram''s excuse was that he never thought that anyone would comply. his inspiration came from the Nazi concentration camps, when Nazi soldiers followed orders to the letter, despite not necessarily agreeing...